Did you start your year with all good intentions?
Have you been planning that new start, had something in mind you really want to achieve this year, something you ear-marked to get stuck into or fancied finally making that change in your life?
I did, I had it all mapped out, but things didn't quite go to plan.
The upcoming Pro Planner Tips came as a result of a difficult time in my life and will certainly help you just like they've helped me.

So, what happened to the planning?
I left a business I co-owned last year which I set up 8 years ago, it was a tough decision and after lots of soul searching, I decided it wasn’t for me anymore, so this year was my fresh start, my new beginning. I’d discovered a new-found sense of enthusiasm and drive. I was ready for a year full of opportunities and exciting new challenges pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
And then the unimaginable happened and sent me into a total tailspin. My Dad was diagnosed with aggressive cancer and thus started the most horrific 2 weeks I have ever experienced.
Still trying to process the news let alone the fact he’s no longer with us. His passing has knocked me back down, made me question many things and put plans on hold but I know with each day I’ll take the bravery and courage he showed with his illness and push on through the sadness.
So as the year rolls on and we are thrown into Spring at speed I’ll find myself needing all the tools to keep me going and moving forward with those plans Dad would dearly have wanted to see me achieve.
Whether you’ve been knocked down, not had the time to make a start yet and need to focus to get back in the game, questioning where you want to go next or simply don’t know where to start then we’re happy to share one of the Hello Time Planners most useful tools and pro planner tips.
Whatever it is you want to achieve, we believe you’re only ever seven steps from ‘YOU ARE HERE’ to ‘WHEREVER YOU WANT TO BE’.

7 Pro Planner Tips
Our definition of a project is anything that takes more than a few easy tasks to get done.
As we designed and built our planner each page at a time, we reviewed loads of ideas and research on the subject. We looked at the best ways to make a start, to put those plans into action because as the saying goes it’s often the start that stops us. A little planning goes a long way in helping your project succeed.
To get you fired up here’s 7 Pro Planner tips we would like to share that we’ve gathered along our journey to help you plan like a pro!
✔️Give your projects a start and end date and be realistic on timescales.
✔️When starting a new project, take a moment to quietly review, mentally, each step, then get it down on paper it.
✔️Set your own due dates for projects earlier than the actual deadline, you’ll thank us for this one it will give you some breathing space.
✔️More times than not, especially those just starting out don’t prioritize their projects enough. Instead, they try to do everything at once. This is a bad idea. It increases stress, decreases the likelihood that you’ll finish what you need to and makes it that much harder to progress effectively toward the end game.
✔️Ideally, your tasks will drive completion of your project, and the project will drive the accomplishment of your larger goal so dream big you’re going to have to clear all the hurdles that are between you and your goals. Therefore, stay confident and ignore those who are unnecessarily negative.
✔️You can’t do it alone, and there’s no shame in asking for help.
✔️Join a community and if one doesn’t exist, build one. Surround yourself with people or women who motivate and inspire one another.
Whatever your goal this year or next – starting a business, changing career, getting fitter or renovating your home, getting any large project of the ground – our ‘One-Page Plan of Action’ will help you get there. It includes all the pro planner tips here you'll need.
download the One-page plan of action
This easy to use 7-step template will help you identify what you have, what you need and how you’re going to turn your hustle into your happy.
Our downloadable pdf explains it all (don’t worry we’ve kept it really simple, we know you’ve not got a lot of time) accompanied by our one-page template. Just follow the steps to clear your head and focus on getting your Plan of Action down on paper it also makes it more real! Getting it all on one page makes it easier to see an overview. Start with ‘The View’ and end with ‘The Measure’ and you’ll have a clear route for the journey ahead and all the steps in between, you’ll need to get you there.
Our plan of action is included in the Hello Time Planner so if you have already bought one then check it out 3 quarters of the way through the book. Or if you’d like to purchase our planner (it’s never too late to get started, our planners are un-dated so you can start this month) just follow this link https://hellotime.co.uk/product/2019-weekly-hello-time-planner/.
Or if you just want to try it out first you can download our ‘One-Page Plan of Action’ for free, to print and use whenever you need. Just enter your details below and get instant access to the guide.